Meet our outgoing and enthusiastic junior, Sami Shapiro!

Hometown: Katonah, NY
Major: Marketing
Pc: '16
If you could sit front row at any concert, who would you see?
I absolutely love music so this is a tough call, but I would probably have to say Post Malone because I could seriously listen to his music and voice all day, and to get to hear so many of my favorite songs up close and in that environment would be amazing.
How do you relax after a stressful day?
The second most important thing is some hot tea with about a pound of honey, but just getting to see my roommates and hang on the couch in our living room with something funny on Netflix is an instant cure.
Very cliché, but what made you choose UGA from out-of-state?
I knew I wanted to go to a big football school, and I was looking south to try to escape the cold, but I never expected to choose UGA. I knew nothing about it so I was reluctant to visit, but I truly fell in love with UGA the minute I stepped foot on campus. It was clear how much every student I met just absolutely loved everything about UGA, and being part of an extremely school-spirited environment was a high priority for me. With the stadium in the center of campus and the absolutely amazing music scene, food options, and character of downtown Athens steps away from campus, I was sold. Not to mention how beautiful our campus is and how cool it is that we value traditions like the Arch and the fountain. We obviously go to the best school on earth and I couldn’t possibly love this place and being a dawg any more. Easily the best decision I’ve ever made, aside from going Chi O obviously ;)
What’s your favorite Chi O event and why?
Lawndance hands down, that’s why we call it the best day of the year! Everyone comes out in their cute sundresses and two piece sets and we have a full day hanging at Pappy’s field listening to live music, throwing footballs around, eating, dancing, singing, and it’s always so sunny and happy. The popsicles and face painting are always crowd favorites as well. You can’t not be happy at Lawndance and we are all together in one field and that’s why I love it so much.
Biggest thing you’ve learned in college so far?
I could list so many things, but I feel like the biggest thing I’ve learned is how important it is to just unapologetically be yourself, because you will absolutely find friends who love you for who you are, and all of your quirks are what make you who you are, and those are the things people will love about you. There’s no reason to change who you are for other people, and the more you just own who you are confidently, the happier you will be and the more you will enjoy this journey through life!