Meet our hilarious and spunky freshman, MoMo!
Hometown: Madison, GA
Major: Agriculture Education
PC: '19
Although her first name is Morgan, everyone lovingly refers to her as MoMo. Her favorite place (besides Chi O of course) is Camp Merri-Mac in Black Mountain, North Carolina. MoMo credits her 12 summers spent at camp for shaping her into the bubbly and outgoing person she is today.
What are you most looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to becoming more involved around in Chi O and around campus! Also I can’t wait to make so many new memories!
Biggest thing you’ve learned in college so far?
So far in college, I have learned so much about myself not only does college build character, but it is a huge stepping stone in growing up. You are living on your own for the first time, and even though you're in a college town, you get a glimpse into what it's like in the "real world". Also STUDYING IS A THING!!!
If you didn’t have to sleep what would you do with the extra time?
I would love to travel the world!
Favorite Chi-O memory?
My favorite Chi O memory is from our new member retreat! I didn’t know very many people going into that weekend and when I left I had made so many new friends in my pledge class! Sky Zone was super fun too!!
All-time favorite meal?
My mom’s chicken cordon blu! It’s the best!!!
Why do you love Chi O?
I’ve enjoyed watching my mom and her Chi O sisters continue to make life long memories and I can’t wait to do the same!